The original, patented Scalewatcher® electronic water conditioner The intelligent alternative for hard water treatment in your home or business

Scalewatcher: An electronic descaler friendly for the environment.

Hard water problems are caused by dissolved mineral ions in the water and adhere to surfaces such as heating elements, shower heads, taps and bathroom tiles.

The traditional water softener may prevent this but they require maintenance and a regular salt supply and it is not without danger to drink this water.

Not only households suffer from hard scale, also commercial water users such as hotels, restaurants, dentists, hair dressers, offices and not to forget Industry benefit by a maintenance free water softener.

Scalewatcher is an environmentally friendly descaler and does not change the composition of the water. Hard scale or staining disappears gradually without the need to do anything by you after the unit is installed.

Scalewatcher guarantees the descaling of your complete water system.

Patented in all major countries.

Important note:
Scaled up shower roses are a breeding ground for bacteria.
Let the water flow a while before taking a shower or install a Scalewatcher.

The problems with
minerals in water.

Scaled up shower head