The original, patented Scalewatcher® electronic water conditioner The intelligent alternative for hard water treatment in your home or business

Sales through authorized dealers only.

Scalewatcher North America Inc. is the patent holder, designer and manufacturer of this product since 1993. Sales and support for commercial and industrial units will be taken care of by authorized distributors and dealers throughout North, Central and South America. For more information, use, providing the country you live in with your question. You will be contacted shortly for professional advice by one of our dealers closest to you.

If you have a question now, call us at our toll free number: 1 (800) 504 8577.

If you live in the UK call: +44 1491 419200/l

For the rest of Europe call: +31172438841

For South East Asia call: +6629067457

If you want to increase your income and become an authorized dealer. click here.

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Scalewatcher models for private households.

Suitable for 110-220V mains and pipe sizes and materials commonly used in households.
Not to be used for commercial and industrial applications.

Two years manufacturers Warranty for the Nano, other models ten years.

Performance guarantee for all models: One year. Power comparison: Nano < 3 Star < 4 Star < 5 Star.

For prices and ordering, please get in touch with us by phone or E-mail.

WARNING! It came to our attention that there are or were several Chinese websites selling the Scalewatcher Nano for an impossibly low price.
When one is tempted to buy and happen to look in the list of countries where they ship too, one finds that shipment is throughout the world, except China. This alone indicates bad intention. So far we were notified of the following websites:
“ “ and “” of which the owners are located in China. Both are not on line anymore.

If you come across websites selling Scalewatcher units against discounted prices please inform us and we will investigate wether the website is from an authorized dealer.